Exclude a Document Subset from a Training Set

If one of your training sets contains a document subset that contains less than ideal documents, it is possible to exclude those from the list of documents that are trained rather than deleting the documents or the document subset. This is because the documents in that document subset could be useful for other purposes such as testing or benchmarks, but not ideal for training.

You can exclude a document subset from a training set by following these steps:

  1. Open the Documents window if it is not already open.
  2. Click in the training document set that contains the document subset that you are excluding.

    The document set expands and the list of its document subsets is displayed.

  3. On the list of document subsets, right-click the subset you are excluding and select Exclude Subset from Training.

    The document subset icon is updated Excluded Document Subset icon to indicate that it is now excluded from the training set. This change to the document set is saved automatically.