Split a Document Subset

Splitting a document subset creates two new subsets and copies the documents from the "splitted" subset to the first respectively second new subset according to the configured split type.

Important You cannot split any document subsets for Selection or New Samples document sets.

You can split a document subset by following these steps:

  1. Open the Documents window if it is not already open.
  2. Click in the document set that contains the subset you want to split.

    The document set expands and the list of its document subsets is displayed.

  3. On the list of document subsets, right-click the subset and select Copy & Split.

    A window is displayed where you can provide a name for your new subsets and the type how to split the selected document set.

  4. Optionally, change the suggested name for the first or second subset.
  5. Select the type how to perform the split.
    • Select Percent and enter an integer value between 1 and 100. This percentage of documents of each available class is copied to the first subset. All other documents are copied to the second subset.

    • Select Number and enter an integer value greater or equal one. The defined number of documents for each class is copied to the first subset. All other documents are copied to the second subset.

      Note If the inserted value exceeds the number of documents for a class all documents for that class are copied to the first subset and the second subset does not contain any of those documents.
    Note Documents that have no class assigned because they are not classified yet or cannot be classified are considered in the same way. That means they belong to the same "class."
  6. Click OK to copy and split the selected document subset.

    Two new subsets are added to the document set.