Anchor Confidence

The minimum confidence value compares the accuracy of the element found on the document to a defined anchor.

To ensure that you set the correct confidence, test several different examples of the document type.

You can manage the confidence for the different anchor types as follows:

Structural anchor

Confidence is available only when the Can intersect border option is cleared.

Graphic anchor

By default, the confidence is set to 70%. Graphics having 70% of their pixels positioned like those of the anchor image are found by the algorithm. For the best results, use the default setting.

Text anchor

If you determine that anchor text with ten letters has a 90% confidence, the algorithm finds all words that match the recognition results in the anchor zone and have nine to eleven letters.

Locator anchor
If you determine that the input locator result has a 90% confidence, the anchor is found on the document. For the best results, use the default setting or higher.