Prepare Altova MapForce

  1. Install Altova MapForce 2014 R2 Enterprise Edition.

    You can install it on the same computer as Kofax Import Connector, or on a different computer. In this example, we assume that everything is installed on a single computer.

  2. Copy all files from the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax\KIC-ED\KCPlugIn\EDI\Custom\config to the MapForceEDI folder of your MapForce. Depending on your operating system and selected MapForce version, the destination folder is one of the following:
    • Program Files\Altova\MapForce2014\MapForceEDI

    • Program Files (x86)\Altova\MapForce2014\MapForceEDI

  3. Copy all files from the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax\KIC-ED\KCPlugIn\EDI\Custom\spl to the MapForce spl folder. Depending on your operating system and selected MapForce version, the destination folder is one of the following:
    • Program Files\Altova\MapForce2014\MapForceEDI\spl

    • Program Files (x86)\Altova\MapForce2014\MapForceEDI\spl

  4. In Altova MapForce, click Tools > Options > Generation tab and set C# Settings to Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
  5. In Altova MapForce, click Connection on the menu and select Auto Connect Matching Children.