Web service errors

Following is the list of errors returned by Kofax Import Connector Web Service interface and how to calculate the failed object number and the error category number.

Failed object number

Formula to calculate the failed object number is (((Code) >> 8) & 0xfff).

Object Number Description
0 unknown
1 IntellNetwork
2 Connection
3 ConnectionFile
4 Process
5 Memory
6 Session
7 Handle
8 SendOrder
9 ShortNumber
10 TN_Message
11 XMLParser
12 StringStack
13 UserAccount
14 Socket
15 Stream
16 Tcosal
17 TcosalW32
18 TcosalLinux
19 TN_Server
20 TN_Application
21 TN_Rpc
22 ConnectionHttp
23 Document
24 PermanentStore
25 Parent
26 Channel
27 Stylesheet
28 Tcsrv
29 File
30 IppConv
31 TncH323
32 TncRLA
33 TnStateTable
34 TnStateMachine
35 TncT38
36 TncFaxMain
37 TncRFax
38 TncSip
39 TncBiscom
40 TncFx7
41 TncRFax2
50 TncVoice
60 TncFile

Example: In the following screenshot, error code is 616563201.

To use the above error code (for example, 616563201) for calculating the failed object number using the (((Code) >> 8) & 0xfff) formula, do the following using a calculator in the Programmer mode:

  1. Type 616563201 and click >> to right shift.

  2. Type 8 and click =.

    The output will be 2408450.

  3. To convert 2408450 to hexadecimal, click the HEX key.

    The output will be 24C002.

  4. Click the bitwise AND operator.

    Click FFF and click =.

  5. The output will be 2.

  6. To convert this to decimal format, click the DEC key.

    The output will be 2.

You can match 2 from the object failed number in the above table which correspond to Connection.

Error category number

Formula to calculate the error category number is (((Code) >> 20) & 0xff).

Category Error Description
1 Error General Error
2 ErrTemp Temporary problem (non-formal error)
3 ErrAvailable A new object was not created, because it already exists
4 ErrObjExist An object already exists
5 ErrNotEmpty Operation was not performed because object is not empty
6 ErrEndOfObject The end of object (such as File) has been reached
7 ErrMoreData The object is longer, has not been returned completely
8 ErrLoop A loop has been detected
20 ErrNotAvailable A requested object does not exist
21 ErrObjNotExist Request object does not exist
22 ErrEmpty The object is empty
30 ErrObjSharing Any kind of sharing problem
31 ErrObjLocked Object is locked
32 ErrWrongVersion An update conflict has been detected
40 ErrRestriction Error due to any restriction
41 ErrResource Not enough resources (memory, disk, ...)
42 ErrQuotaLimit Any quota limit has been reached
45 ErrPermission Insufficient permissions
46 ErrLicense Operation has been restricted due to insufficient licenses
47 ErrAuthentication Authentication failed
48 ErrNotImplemented Requested feature is not implemented
50 ErrBusy Resource is currently busy
51 ErrBufferFull Object cannot process further data because its buffer is full
55 ErrTimeout An operation has timed out
56 ErrQueued Data or request has been queued
70 ErrObjLost An object (such as, network connection) that was available got lost
71 ErrStateChanged Object state has been changed (such as, by any other thread) to an invalid state
72 ErrStopPending A requested object will be currently shut down
73 ErrStopped A requested service has been stopped
75 ErrExpired The objects validity period has expired
76 ErrConnLost Connection to object has been lost
77 ErrCancelled The operation has been cancelled by the other side
100 ErrLogic Formal error (will happen again after retry)
101 ErrLogicArgs Invalid arguments
110 ErrLogicLen Length error (operation may be partially completed truncated)
111 ErrLogicLenMin Less than minimum required length
112 ErrLogicLenMax Higher than maximum length
120 ErrWrongFormat Wrong format
121 ErrXmlFormat XML format error
122 ErrXmlNamespace XML namespace error, such as, used prefix not in scope
123 ErrBerEncoding ASN.1 BER encoding error
124 ErrSoapFormat SOAP envelope format error
130 ErrLogicState The requested operation is not allowed in the current state
140 ErrCommandSequ Invalid command sequence
145 ErrBadConfig Problem is caused by invalid configuration
150 ErrIntern Unexpected internal error detected (assert type)
151 ErrIntBadCast C++ cast operation failed
152 ErrIntBadObj An object detected that it is corrupted

Example: In the following screen shot, error code is 616563201.

To use the above error code (for example, 616563201) for calculating the error category using the (((Code) >> 20) & 0xff) formula, do the following using a calculator in the Programmer mode:

  1. Type 616563201 and click >> to right shift.

  2. Type 20 and click =.

    The output will be 588.

  3. To convert 588 to hexadecimal, click the HEX key.

    The output will be 24C.

  4. Click the bitwise AND operator.

    Click FF and click =.

  5. The output will be 4C.

  6. To convert this to decimal format, click the DEC key.

    The output will be 76.

You can match 76 from the error category in the above table which correspond to ErrConnLost, that is, Connection to object has been lost.