Create schema and sample file

  1. Create a folder for custom EDI types, for example D:\EDI\CustomSchemas.
  2. Open an administrator command prompt in the folder.
  3. Run the CustomEdiToXsd batch job with the following syntax
    CustomEdiToXsd <edipath> <targetpath> [<custom>]

    <edipath> - directory containing the Altova MapForce EDI collection

    <targetpath> - directory for Kofax Import Connector custom EDI schema

    <custom> - optional sender identification; needed if Kofax Import Connector must process several variants of the same EDI message type

    In this example, let us use the optional sender identification, assuming that we receive such messages only from a business partner with sender identification " 003897733":

    CustomEdiToXsd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Altova\MapForce2014\MapForceEdi\EDIFACT.Nanonull" D:\EDI\CustomSchemas 003897733

    The batch job creates a new folder EDIFACT.Nanonull below the target folder, with the following files:

    • Admin.xsd

    • EDSD.xsd

    • info.xml

    • ORDERS.xsd

    • Sample.xml

    Sample.xml and the xsd files are part of the resulting XML type. Info.xml is needed for mapping and it will be deleted afterwards.