TestConversionErrors function

This function checks for the conversion errors in messages based on input criteria. The input schema is shown below.

input schema of the testconversionerrors function

The input request fields are defined in the following table.

Request fields



The name of the connection. This field is case-sensitive. Default value is "all".


Minimum number of messages to be received by the connection.

TimeRange (in minutes)

The time range for performing the test. Default value is 1440 minutes. Maximum value is 1440 minutes.


Minimum percentage of messages with conversion error for the test to be successful.

Restarting KC Plug-In service will set the message count to 0.

Based on the input criteria, the response is returned. The response schema is shown below.

response schema of the testconversionerrors function

The output response fields are defined in the following table.

Response fields



The number of messages received during the specified time range.


Verified time range. This is same as the time range specified in the request.


The number of messages with conversion error.


The percentage of messages with conversion error.


This is the test result. Possible values are Success, Fail or NotEnoughMsgs.

Example: Sample request

Input request: For the test to be successful, at least 20 messages must be received by "Connection1" and the conversion error should be more than 30% in last 150 minutes.


Output response: As per the input criteria, "Connection1" received 20 messages in last 150 minutes and there are five document conversion errors, that is, 25%. Therefore, the criteria user tested is not achieved and the test result is Fail.

<TestConversionErrorsResponse xmlns="http://www.kofax.com/2011/KIC-ElectronicDocuments">