Import structured data via XML import Connector-Compatible mapping

For some reasons, Northwest Products may have decided to model their input data using the standard Kofax Capture XML Import Connector format. In order to do so, the XML input data would look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ImportSession xmlns:xsi="">
    <Batch BatchClassName="KfxSampleXmlMappingBatch">
        <BatchField Value="42367" Name="PONumber"/>
        <Document FormTypeName="KfxSampleXmlMappingForm">
            <IndexField Value="32.95" Name="Subtotal"/>
            <IndexField Value="2.55" Name="SalesTax"/>
            <IndexField Value="5.00" Name="Shipping"/>
            <IndexField Value="40.50" Name="Total"/>
            <Table Name="Articles">
                    <IndexField Value="1" Name="Quantity"/>
                    <IndexField Value="638" Name="ItemNr"/>
                    <IndexField Value="LANG STERLING PIE SERVER" Name="Description"/>
                    <IndexField Value="32.95" Name="UnitPrice"/>
                    <IndexField Value="32.95" Name="Amount"/>
            <Table Name="ShipTo">
                    <IndexField Value="Martin" Name="FirstName"/>
                    <IndexField Value="Janeway" Name="LastName"/>
            <Page ImportFileName="page002.tif"/>

As this is the standard Kofax format, the customer does not need to provide the XML schema file.

  1. Add a new destination, assign it to the KfxSampleXmlmappingBatch batch class, KfxSampleXmlMappingDocument document class and KfxSampleXmlMappingForm form type. This information is only a fallback for the case when the batch class information in the XML is not correct. Do not forget to add a proper routing rule.
  2. Select ImportSession as the XML type of the destination and select XML Import Connector compatible mapping.
  3. Select to import original but deactivate any conversions to TIF or PDF.
  4. Restart KC Plug-In.

When using standard Kofax format, MapForce is not needed.

In this scenario, attachments received along with the XML file are only imported to Kofax Capture if they are linked in the XML file (such as, link to documents that must be imported). The controlling XML document is never imported.