Create schema and sample file
- Create a folder for custom EDI types, for example D:\EDI\CustomSchemas.
- Open an administrator command prompt in the folder.
Run the CustomEdiToXsd batch job with the following syntax
CustomEdiToXsd <edipath> <targetpath> [<custom>]
<edipath> - directory containing the Altova MapForce EDI collection
<targetpath> - directory for Kofax Import Connector custom EDI schema
<custom> - optional sender identification; needed if Kofax Import Connector must process several variants of the same EDI message type
In this example, you do not need the optional parameter:
CustomEdiToXsd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Altova\MapForce2014\MapForceEdi\HIPAA.XYZ" D:\EDI\CustomSchemas
The batch job creates a new folder HIPAA.XYZ below the target folder, with the following files:
Sample.xml and the xsd files are part of the resulting XML type. Info.xml is needed for mapping and it will be deleted afterwards.