Convert a New Samples Database

A project from an earlier version of Kofax TotalAgility that has online learning enabled, may still have training documents in the New Samples database. This is true even if you have fully imported and trained all New Samples before upgrading to the new version.

If you upgrade to the new version, the best practice is to fully import and train all Extraction New Samples.

When you upgrade a project, you can convert the New Samples database manually in the Transformation Designer. An empty New Samples document set is displayed when you open a project that has a New Samples database located in the online learning directory. The header of this document set shows that the New Samples database is not yet converted.

Important You cannot convert your New Samples database until the Classification Set or the Extraction Set are upgraded to the new document set format.

The conversion of the New Samples database can be very time consuming, especially if a large number of sample documents are remaining. During the conversion the New Samples database is locked. As a result, converting a large New Samples database can cause processing delays.

The manual New Samples database conversion is performed by following these steps:

  1. Open the Documents window if it is not already open.
  2. Right-click New Samples and select Convert New Samples Database.
  3. Click OK to start the conversion.