
PDF forms can be of two types: static and active.

  • Static ones look like forms but responses cannot be entered. Such forms may be just part of a longer PDF document.

  • Active forms have controls that respondents can set (for example Yes/No) or select from a longer set of options or provide text responses.

For a list of supported form elements see Form controls.

About active XFA forms

Power PDF lets you open PDF forms with XFA components, fill such forms and save them.

XFA form controls allow you to securely capture, present, move, process, output and print information associated with electronic forms. XFA (XML Forms Architecture) is a set of XML specifications that enhance the processing of web forms by providing active tags, and ensuring that all instances of an XFA form template keep the specification of data capture, rendering, and manipulation rules from the original. XFA provides compatibility with other systems, and is resilient to changes in technology and standards.

Do not edit form controls or run Form Typer on a form with active XFA controls.

Forms filled by this program can be accepted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). A choice in the PDF Create printer driver makes it easier to conform with USPTO's PDF guidelines (For more information visit