
This section enables you to manage clusters and RoboServers known to the Management Console. By default, the list contains one cluster containing one RoboServer, namely the one that also runs the Management Console functionality. In larger setups with multiple RoboServers and clusters, we recommend that the Management Console be deployed on a standalone web container (if license permits), or on a RoboServer that is not used for running robots. See the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide for additional information about configuring the Management Console.

The following information is displayed for each server. Note that for RoboServers version earlier than 9.4, some of the information is not available.




For Clusters

The name of the cluster that is suffixed by SSL if the cluster uses SSL. If the cluster has unapplied settings, they are also shown here in blue. If the cluster has invalid settings, the name will be displayed in red.

For RoboServers

The name and port of the RoboServer. If the RoboServer is incorrectly configured, the name will be displayed in red. If you hover over the red name, a tooltip will inform you of the error.


The version of the software on the running RoboServer.


The column name to be shown depends on the license type used. For more information on the CRE and KCU licensing, see the sections "Concurrent Robot Execution License" and "Kofax RPA Compute Units" in the Kofax RPA Installation Guide.


Indicates how many robots can run concurrently in this cluster. CREs in a cluster are distributed evenly between online RoboServers in the cluster. A CRE is an integral unit, and you cannot split one CRE among multiple RoboServers. For example, if you have six CREs but five RoboServers in a cluster, each RoboServer gets one CRE; therefore, one CRE remains unused.

Note The number of CREs in a cluster must be equal to or bigger than that of RoboServers. If you assign fewer CREs to a cluster than the number of RoboServers present in the cluster, the cluster is disabled.

To adjust the number of CREs, click Assign CRE.

The number of concurrent robots a RoboServer can execute also depends on the amount of CPU available and the speed required to get the data for the RoboServer to process. For more information, see the section "Production Configuration" in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide.

Indicates the number of KCUs assigned to this cluster. KCUs in a cluster are distributed evenly among online RoboServers in the cluster. To adjust the KCUs on a cluster, click Assign KCU.

Running Robots

The number of robots currently running on the RoboServer.

Queued Robots

The number of queued robots on the RoboServer.

Max Robots

The maximum number of concurrent robots on the RoboServer. Can be configured in the Clusters settings.


The uptime of the RoboServer. Allows you to see when the server was started or restarted.

Command line (hidden)

The command line the RoboServer was started with.

CPU count (hidden)

Number of CPUs assigned to the RoboServer process, for example if CPU affinity has been assigned.

Memory Limit

The maximum amount of memory assigned to the JVM the RoboServer runs in.

Above Limit

Shows whether the server is operating above its memory threshold (80% default). If this limit is reached, the RoboServer will queue the robot instead of starting it.

Duration (Accum.)

Shows the total time the RoboServer has been in the Above Limit state.

Max Queue (hidden)

The maximum number of robots that can be queued on the RoboServer. Can be set in the Clusters settings.

License Type

The license type of the RoboServer: Production or Non-Production.

Cluster Mode/Server Status

For clusters, shows the Cluster Mode. For RoboServers, shows if the server is Online or Offline.

Temp Profiling

Indicates whether profiling has been temporarily enabled for a given server. The setting will be cleared upon server restart.

Last Updated

Shows the time when Management Console received last status update from RoboServers.


Click to modify cluster settings in the Cluster Settings dialog box.


Click Delete to delete the cluster/server from the Management Console.

The Robot Runtime view contains detailed information about running robots. The top bar of the Robot Runtime view contains the following:

  • Robot on: - Shows which cluster or server the view currently displays robots for.
  • Filter by - Helps you to filter the list by Robot, Project, or Execution Id, or to disable the filter by selecting the blank line. Filter matching is case sensitive and the filter will select those robots that contain the entered text as a substring in either the Robot, Project, or Execution Id field.
  • Robots per page - Limits the maximum number of robots displayed on a page.
  • Refresh Every - Sets the refresh rate of the view (default is one second).

Click the column header to sort any column in ascending or descending order. The default sorting is by Start Time Client.

Double-click a row in the table to open the Robot's information in a window. The window shows the same information available in the Robot Runtime view that it is a snapshot of the information at the time you open the window. The information is not updated even if the robot stops executing.

Click Refresh to refresh the information in the table.

The following information is displayed for each running or recently completed robot. The table shows Robots either from one RoboServer or from all RoboServers if a Cluster is selected.




Name of the robot


Name of the server that runs the robot


Name of the project that the Robot belongs to. View the list of projects on the Repository > Robots tab.

Robot URL

A URL that the Robot is identified by. When you build the execute request for a RoboServer, you can either specify a file://URL or a Library:/, which specifies whether the robot should be loaded from the file system or the library.

  • File system URL - file://C:/Kofax RPA/Robots/Library/Input.robot

  • The Library URL - Library:/Input.robot

The execute request for a Robot may look like this:

Request request = new Request("Library:/Input.robot")

Robot Library

A type of Robot library. The following types exist:

  • Design Studio Robot Library

  • Embedded File-based Robot Library

  • Repository Robot Library

  • URL File-based Robot Library

  • URL Folder-based Robot Library

See the Kofax RPA Developer's Guide for more information. Also see Robot Libraries in the Reference section of this help system.

Start Time Client

The time when the Robot was started. The time is displayed in time zone of the browser running the Management Console.

Execution ID

Robot execution ID.

Current Step

The step the Robot is currently executing.

Execution Path

The sequence of steps the Robot has performed.

Location Code

A code assigned to a step that you can view in Design Studio.

Step Execution Time

Current step execution time in seconds.

Executed Steps Limit

Shows the maximum number of steps the robot is allowed to execute. If the limit is reached, the robot is stopped.


Robot's current status.

  • Running - Currently running

  • Queued - Queued for running when possible

  • Completed - Finished executing on RoboServer. This status is assigned to Robots that:

    • Completed successfully

    • Completed with errors

    • Failed

    • Were forced to stop

Robots with Completed status are removed from the table after one minute from completion.

KCU Point Cost

KCU points spent for running the Robot. KCU Point Cost is equal to KCU-Point Usage from Design Studio.

KCU Wait

Amount of time the Robot has been unable to execute because the KCU Points (for this second) had already been spent.

Loaded Bytes

Bytes loaded during a Robot execution.

Extracted Values Limit

An upper limit on the number of object extractions. If the robot extracts more objects than indicated by this property, then an error message is generated or the robot is stopped.

Execution Time Limit

An upper limit on the total robot execution time. If the robot does not complete within this time limit, then an error message is generated and the robot is stopped. The property value is specified in seconds.

Last Output Time

The time when the last extraction was performed.

Emails Sent

The number of emails sent by the robot.


Whether the robot is in the process of shutting down.

Output Count

The number of objects that the robot has generated.

Executed Steps

The number of steps the robot has executed.

Stop If Connection Lost

When this flag is set, the robot will stop if it loses the connection to the Management Console.

Stop On API Exception

When this flag is set, the robot will stop if it generates an API exception.


Click to open the Log tab.


Click to stop robot execution.


Click to open the Edit Schedule dialog box.

Create a Cluster

When you create a cluster, specify the name of the cluster and the cluster type. If you create a non-production cluster, you can assign KCU from the non-production license, and similarly if you create a production cluster, you can assign KCU from the production license. If you select the SSL option, all RoboServers in the cluster must use the SSL RQL service.

Use a Hybrid cluster type to have RoboServers of different versions running in the same cluster and to gradually update the robots.

To create a hybrid cluster, select Hybrid in the Add Cluster dialog.

When a robot runs on a hybrid cluster, it is routed to a RoboServer of the same version. For example, a 10.3.0 robot is routed to a 10.3.0 RoboServer and a 10.3.2 robot is routed to a 10.3.2 RoboServer. When a RoboServer matching the version of the robot is not running, the execution is either rejected for REST / SOAP calls and robots, running directly from the API, or queued in the task queue for scheduled runs.

After creating a cluster, you can add RoboServers to the cluster.

Context Menu

The grid contains a context menu, which has rarely used functionality that is not available from the bottom menu. The following are context menu items:

Cluster Settings

Brings up the Cluster Setting dialog box.

Stop RoboServer

Brings up a dialog box that allows you to stop/reboot the selected RoboServer.

Dump Threads

Sends a request to the selected RoboServer to perform a full thread dump, which opens in a separate window. It is also possible to get a thread dump of the Management Console. For details see "Tomcat Management Console" in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide.

Load Distribution and Failover

When a cluster needs to execute a robot, it finds the RoboServer with the highest number of available slots. Available slots are calculated based on how many robots are already running on the RoboServer and how many robots it can run concurrently (the maximum concurrent robots in the Clusters Settings.)

If a RoboServer in a cluster goes offline, the KCU is automatically distributed evenly among the remaining RoboServers.