Process Discovery Groups

Kofax RPA Process Discovery helps you gather the data necessary to monitor user activity and process bottlenecks. See Kofax RPA Process Discovery in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide for more information.

Groups specified in this window logically combine computers with installed Process Discovery agents, such as finacial_dept, hr_dept, sales_dept, or others. When you deploy Process Discovery agents, specify a name of the group created here.

To create a new group, click Process Discovery Groups in the left pane and then click Add Process Discovery Group in the Process Discovery Groups pane.

Note When using Docker for deploying Process Discovery, you can use the default settings in Agent and Analytics database settings.




Specify a recording mode for this group.

  • Recording Disabled: Actions are not recorded

  • Record all Application, except ignored list: Records actions in all applications except those listed in the Ignored applications field

  • Record only Applications in the record list: Records actions in applications listed in Recorded applications

Agent database settings

Specify a new database parameters for agents to access and store data.

  • Host: Database server name or IP address. If you use Docker tools to deploy Process Discovery, this is the computer where Process Discovery runs in a Docker container.

  • Schema: Name of schema.

  • Database type: Specifies the type of database. This parameter cannot be changed.

  • User name: Account name to access the database by the agents in this group.

  • Password: Account password to access the database by the agents in this group.

Database provisioning

Enter credentials to create the database schema and grant access to the user specified in Database settings.

  • Admin name: Database administrator name.

  • Admin password: Database administrator password. Specify a password for the administrator account to secure it.

Create schema: Creates the schema in the database using the specified credentials.

Grant user access: Grants necessary database access rights to the user specified in Database settings.

Applications lists

Specify application identifiers (usually the name of the executable file, such as calc.exe) that the agent either records actions from, or ignores. The identifiers must be listed in a comma-separated form, such as calc,notepad.

  • Utility applications: Lists applications that are always ignored. You can leave this parameter unchanged.

  • Ignored applications: Specify applications that are ignored when collecting data. This list is used if you select the Record all Application, except ignored list agent recording mode.

  • Recorded applications: Specify applications for which usage data is recorded. This list is used if you select the Record only Applications in the record list agent recording mode.

Agent advanced settings

Specify settings for agents in this group.

  • Auto Start Recording: If selected, agents in this group automatically start recording.

  • Record Keystroke: Records user keyboard input. This option is off by default.

    Important Selecting this option may increase the accuracy of the reports, but because keyboard input may contain sensitive information, such as names, passwords, personal data, credit card numbers and so on, the collection of such data may fall under data protection regulations and you must treat the collected data appropriately.
  • Record Screenshots: Captures and stores images of the active application.


Do not alter the settings in this group without consulting with Kofax support.