Extended OCR Settings

Kofax RPA provides optical character recognition (OCR) functionality to extract text from images and to automate applications with limited or no automation API.

OCR is a complicated process and recognition results depend on many factors, such as screen fonts, background and foreground color, text size, and so on. Kofax RPA installs the ocr.cfg file that contains some configuration settings you can use to alter recognition results. The file includes detailed description of configuration settings. The ocr.cfg file is located in the Kofax RPA installation directory as follows.

  • On the Windows-based automated computer with installed Desktop Automation Service:

    DesktopAutomationService\lib in the Desktop Automation service installation directory. Example:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax RPA DesktopAutomation 10.5.0 x32\DesktopAutomationService\lib

  • On the local Windows-based computer to use with the built-in browser:

    nativelib\hub\windows-x32\<build number>\lib* in the Kofax RPA installation directory. Example:

    C:\Program Files\Kofax RPA 10.5.0 x64\nativelib\hub\windows-x32\166\lib

  • On the local Linux-based computer to use with the built-in browser:

    nativelib/hub/linux-x64/<build number>/lib in the Kofax RPA installation directory. Example:

    Kofax RPA_10.5.0_x64/nativelib/hub/linux-x64/166/lib

* The build number is different in different versions of the program.