Enter Text
In this step your robot can type text into a text field. You can provide the necessary text directly in the Text field of the step or use the text from a variable. This is an application-level step and it is available by right-clicking the application tab. Note that if you do not click the text field or create an appropriate finder before entering the text, this step inserts the text to the first available text field in the application tree.
You can input text in the selected field by right-clicking the field and selecting Replace Text on the shortcut menu. This command creates an Input step that contains a finder and all necessary actions necessary to replace a text in the selected field.
- Press ENTER using the Press Key step. Excel exits Edit mode and selects the cell directly below the current cell.
- Press TAB using the Press Key step. This stops Edit mode and selects the cell to the right of the current cell.
- Click a different cell.
- Press F2 using the Press Key step.
See Microsoft documentation for more information.
- Enter text with the virtual input driver
When you enable the virtual input driver on the automated device (see Activate the virtual input driver in Configure Desktop Automation Service), Enter Text steps in Device Automation on Windows automatically use this driver for entering text. The text is entered as though via a hardware keyboard, and is subject to keyboard layout interpretation by the operating system. It is only possible to enter text, which can be typed with a physical keyboard using the application's active keyboard layout. It is not possible to enter all Unicode characters.
- Name
- Name of the step.
- Finder
- Device: Select the name of the automation device.
- Application: Specify the name of the application the action is performed in.
- Text
- Either type in the text directly or specify a variable with text. The variable name must be preceded by an equal sign, such as =EnterTextVariable.