Modify a Variable
You can modify XML and JSON variables. Both variable types have a range of dedicated step actions that may be used to modify them. For example, the Set Attribute sets the value of an existing attribute or adds a new attribute to an XML tag, the Set Property Name step action changes the name of a property on a JSON object, etc. You can also modify a variable by using a step action that operates directly on the variable, such as Assign Variable. In that case, the view will reflect the changes.
Step actions that modify XML variables through the current window:
- Set Tag
- Set Content
- Set Text
- Set Tag Name
- Set Attribute
- Insert Content
- Remove Tag
- Remove Content
- Remove Attribute
Step actions that modify JSON variables through the current window:
When a variable of type XML or JSON is shown in the current window, the menu option for inserting the step actions are available in the context menu (right-click menu) in the window. Only those relevant for the given type are shown. Some may be disabled, if the current choice in the view is not relevant. For example, Remove Attribute will not be enabled if the selected tag does not have any attributes.