Database drivers
In the "Database drivers" section, you can upload new database JDBC drivers and see the list of the other uploaded JDBC drivers. These drivers are required by the various databases types.
As with database types, uploaded database drivers are also sent to Design Studio clients. Note that if you run your Management Console on, for example, a MySQL database, you need to provide Tomcat with the MySQL driver. This means that MySQL databases work when used in Management Console in the Log view or when testing the connection. However, for the MySQL databases to also work on all RoboServers, it is necessary to upload the MySQL driver here so that it can be sent to the RoboServers and Design Studio.
- Hint
On certain database types, you may need to tweak parameters or settings to store files larger than a certain size. For example, on MySQL databases, you may have to increase the value of the "max_allowed_packet" variable, which in many installations is set to 1 MB (meaning that database drivers larger than 1 MB cannot be stored). Consult the documentation for your database if you encounter problems when uploading drivers. To help identify any problems, you receive an error message, and the Management Console log contains further details.
- Security Note
By default, only the admin user is allowed to upload JDBC drivers while accessing Management Console from the localhost. Otherwise, the Upload driver JAR button is disabled. If you are running Management Console in embedded mode, you can change this behavior in the RoboServer Settings application. See the "Embedded Management Console Configuration" section in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide for more information. If you are running Management Console in Tomcat, see the "Security" section under "Tomcat Management Console" in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide.