The RoboServers section enables you to manage clusters and RoboServers known to the Management Console. When in embedded mode, by default, the list contains one cluster with one RoboServer, which is the one that also runs the Management Console functionality. In a larger setup with multiple RoboServers and clusters, we recommend that you deploy Management Console on a standalone web container if your license permits. See the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide for additional information about configuring the Management Console.
You can change the way the information for each cluster/RoboServer is presented as follows:
- Select the table columns to display for a cluster/RoboServer
using the
menu icon on the right.
- Refresh the displayed information by clicking the
refresh icon on the right.
By default, the following table columns are displayed for each cluster/RoboServer.
Column |
Description |
Cluster |
Name of the cluster. The name is suffixed by SSL if the cluster uses SSL. |
Action | This column lists available actions.
For a cluster
For a RoboServer
Server |
Name or IP address and port of the RoboServer. |
Version |
Version of the software on the running RoboServer. |
Status |
For a cluster, shows the cluster state:
After you have changed the cluster settings, the "Apply cluster settings" dialog box is shown with options to proceed. For a RoboServer, shows if the server is online or offline. |
Assigned license units |
For information on the CRE and KCU licensing, see the sections "Concurrent Robot Execution License" and "Kofax RPA Compute Units" in the Kofax RPA Installation Guide.
License type |
License type of the cluster: Production or Non-Production. |
Optional Columns | |
Running robots |
Number of robots currently running on the RoboServer. |
Queued robots |
Number of queued robots on the RoboServer. |
Max robots |
Maximum number of concurrent robots on the RoboServer. Can be configured in the cluster settings. |
Uptime |
Uptime of the RoboServer. Enables you to see when the server was started or restarted. |
Command line |
Command line the RoboServer was started with. |
CPU count |
Number of CPUs assigned to the RoboServer process. For example, if CPU affinity is assigned. |
Memory limit |
Maximum amount of memory assigned to the JVM the RoboServer runs in. |
Duration (accum.) |
Shows the total time the RoboServer has been in the "Above limit" state. |
Above limit |
Shows whether the server is operating above its memory threshold, which is 80% by default. If this limit is reached, the RoboServer queues the robot instead of starting it. |
Max queue |
Maximum number of robots that can be queued on the RoboServer. Can be configured in the cluster settings. |
Last updated |
Shows the time when the Management Console received the latest status update from the RoboServer. |
Temp profiling |
Indicates whether profiling is temporarily enabled for a given RoboServer. The setting will be cleared upon RoboServer restart. |
Create New Cluster
To create a new cluster, click the plus sign in the upper left corner.
The "Add cluster" dialog box appears.
Specify a name for the cluster and the cluster type.
If you create a production cluster, you can assign license units from the production license. Similarly, if you create a non-production cluster, you can assign license units from the non-production license.
Select a license distribution mode.
If you select Use SSL, all RoboServers in the cluster must use the SSL RQL service.
Click Submit.
The new cluster appears in the table.
Load Distribution and Failover
When a cluster needs to execute a robot, it finds the RoboServers with the highest number of available slots. Available slots are calculated based on how many robots are already running on the RoboServers and how many robots it can run concurrently (the maximum concurrent robots as set in the cluster settings.)
If a RoboServers in a cluster goes offline, the KCU is automatically distributed evenly among the remaining RoboServers.
Actions on RoboServers and Clusters
To perform an action on a
or a cluster, such as add a
to a cluster, use the
context menu in the
Action column. For a description of the actions, see the
Action row in the preceding table.
Running robots view
When you click a cluster or a RoboServer name, a view opens containing detailed information about running robots in the selected cluster (from all RoboServers in this cluster) or in the selected RoboServer.
You can change the way the information in this view is presented as follows:
- Filter the list of robots in the table by applying various filters. You can filter by robot name, project name, execution ID, and robot URL. Filter matching is case-sensitive and the filter selects those robots that contain the entered text as a substring in either the robot name, project name, execution ID, or robot URL.
- Select the table columns to be displayed using the
menu icon on the right.
By default, the following table columns are displayed for each running or recently completed robot.
Column |
Description |
Robot name |
Name of the robot. |
Server |
Name of the RoboServer that runs the robot. |
Project name |
Name of the project that the robot belongs to. View the list of projects in the section. |
Robot URL |
A URL that the robot is identified by. When you build an execute request for a RoboServer, you can specify a file://URL or a Library:/, which indicates whether the robot should be loaded from the file system or the library.
The execute request for a robot may look similar to the following example:
Start time client |
Time when the robot was started. The time is displayed in time zone of the browser running the Management Console. |
Execution ID |
Robot execution ID. |
Current step |
Step the robot is currently executing. |
Status |
Robot current status.
Robots with the Completed status are removed from the table after one minute from completion. |
Optional Columns | |
Location code |
Code assigned to a step that you can view in Design Studio. |
Step execution time |
Current step execution time in seconds. |
Executed steps limit |
Shows the maximum number of steps the robot is allowed to execute. If the limit is reached, the robot is stopped. |
KCU wait |
Amount of time the robot has been unable to execute because the KCU points (for this second) had already been spent. |
Loaded bytes |
Bytes loaded during a robot execution. |
Last output time |
Time when the last extraction was performed. |
Emails sent |
Number of emails sent by the robot. |
Executed steps | Number of steps the robot has executed. |
Execution path |
Sequence of steps the robot has performed. |
KCU point cost |
KCU points spent for running the robot. KCU point cost is equal to the KCU usage shown in Design Studio. |
Extracted values limit |
Upper limit on the number of object extractions. If the robot extracts more objects than indicated by this property, an error message is generated or the robot is stopped. |
Execution time limit |
Upper limit on the total robot execution time. If the robot does not complete within this time limit, an error message is generated and the robot is stopped. The property value is specified in seconds. |
Output count |
Number of objects that the robot generated. |
Robot library |
Type of robot library. The following types exist:
See the Kofax RPA Developer's Guide for more information. Also, see Robot Libraries in this help system. |
Stop if connection lost |
When set, the robot will stop if it loses the connection to the Management Console. The flag is only used when running robots with the Java API. For more information, see "setStopOnConnectionLost" in the Kofax RPA Developer's Guide. |
Stop on API exception |
When set, the robot will stop if it generates an API exception. |
Stopping |
Shows whether the robot is in the process of shutting down. |