You can enable or disable logging options for cluster RoboServers.
To enable logging options for cluster RoboServers, navigate to Log to database. See RoboServer log database for more information on logging.
and select- Log to database
- If database logging is enabled, the RoboServers logs to the RoboServer log database defined in the Design Studio settings. If Log robot input to database is selected, the robot inputs are also logged to the database.
- Log to Log4J
Using log4j2, you can control where the log goes using an ordinary log4j2.properties file. The log4j2.properties file is located in the Configuration directory of the Kofax RPA Application Data Folder, for example, C:\Users\name.lastname\AppData\Local\Kofax RPA\11.1.0\Configuration. See "Application Data Folder" in the Kofax RPA Installation Guide and "Audit Log for Management Console" in the Kofax RPA Administrator's Guide.
The default log4j2.properties file logs all robot run information, robot messages and server messages into a file. The logs are placed in the Logs folder in the application data folder. More advanced setups include storing in the Windows event log, rotating files, and the syslog.
When this option is enabled, RoboServer logs using three different loggers.
logger.servermessagelog.name = kapow.servermessagelog
logger.servermessagelog.level = {TRACE,INFO,DEBUG,ERROR...}
Used for server logging that is not tied to a particular robot run.
logger.robotrunlog.name = kapow.robotrunlog
logger.robotrunlog.level = {TRACE,INFO,DEBUG,ERROR...}
Used to log information about starting and stopping robots, including the execution time.
logger.robotmessagelog.name = kapow.robotmessagelog
logger.robotmessagelog.level = {TRACE,INFO,DEBUG,ERROR...}
Used to log robot messages, such as information related to error handling. Also includes profiling, if it is set to be output to the log.
If Log robot input to Log4j is selected, the robot inputs are also logged using the log4j2.properties file.
- Log to email
When enabled, an email is sent whenever a robot logs an error message or the server has an error message.
Email from
The "from" address to be used on the emails.
Email to
Who should receive the email. You can add multiple addresses separated by commas.