Classify Documents

In order for extraction to be successful, documents need to be classified successful. Because of this you can test your classification settings using a custom test set to see how your project performs. You can test one ore more documents by selecting them in either the Hierarchy View or the List View. If you plan on testing document separation after classifying your documents, you can use the Hierarchy View. Otherwise, use the List View.

You can classify one or more documents by following these steps:

  1. Open the Documents window if it is not already open.
  2. Select the document set and document subset that you are testing.

    The documents in the selected document subset are displayed in the selected view.

  3. As needed, switch to the List view Documents Window - Flat View icon or the Hierarchy view Documents Window - Hierarchy View icon.

    If you are testing document separation, use the Hierarchy view. Otherwise, use the List view.

    The selected document set is displayed.

  4. In the list of documents, select one or more documents that require classification.
    Tip To save time selecting individual documents, click Select All Select All icon or Ctrl + A to select all documents.
  5. Right-click the selected documents and select Classify Classify icon.

    A progress bar is displayed to show the classification progress. Once complete, the results can be viewed alongside each document or in the Classification Results window.