Attachments panel

PDF files can take attachments, just as emails do. Attachments and their options are available from the Attachments panel in the Panel area.

Attachments icon Open this panel with this icon in the Panel bar. Close it with the icon top-right in the panel.

Add attachments

Add Click the Add button inside the Attachments panel, select one or more files and click Open.

Delete attachments

Delete icon Click the Delete button to remove selected attachments from the PDF. Note that this will not remove such files from your computer, only detach them from your document.

Open attachments

Select an attachment, click the Open button, set opening preferences in the dialog box, and click OK.

The attachment will open in its associated application.

Save icon Click the Save button when you are done with attaching files.

Options icon Click the Options tool to access the above commands through a drop-down list; you can also have the attachment panel shown by default whenever the PDF document is opened, enter or edit attachment descriptions to tell PDF recipients what they contain and also reset the list of allowed and disallowed attachment file types.

Note Attachments can also be added to PDF files as annotations at a particular location within the document. If you flatten a PDF you can select to delete attachments that are annotations leaving only an attachment icon, but files attached directly via the Attachments Panel are not removed by flattening. By contrast, during document inspection (Remove Document Elements in the Security ribbon) you can select to remove all files in the Attachment panel list, and by removing comments, all files attached as annotations can also be removed.