Create a Custom Filter in the List View

The custom filter enables you to customize a filter that matches your specific needs. Each visible column, including custom columns, is listed in the Create a Custom Filter window. You can add patterns, and any documents matching those patterns are displayed.

You can use an asterisk (*) as a wild card to represent one or more characters.

For example, if you have documents from several countries, including the "United States" and the "United Kingdom", you can filter your results to display only those documents from these two countries. To do this, you can enter a filter for "United*" into the country field. Similarly, "G*" matches all countries starting with that letter, and "*y" displays all countries ending in y.

You cannot however, use a wildcard to match one or more characters in the middle a string.

For example, if you have documents from two companies called "ABComputing" and "AAComputing", you cannot use a filter for "A*Computing" to match both companies. Instead, you can use "A*" or "*Computing" to filter out the unwanted results.

The custom filters are case sensitive. This means that "A*" does not match "atlasComputing", but does match "ABComputing."

You can create a custom filter in the list view by following these steps:

  1. Open the Documents window if it is not already open.
  2. If a different view is in use, switch to the List view Documents Window - Flat View icon.
  3. Select the desired document subset.

    The documents are displayed in the List view.

  4. Optionally, right-click all selected documents in your document subset, an then click Read Classification and Extraction Data on the shortcut menu.

    The columns populate with the document data if not already loaded.

  5. In the Filter list in the toolbar, select <custom>.

    A button is displayed to the right of the list so that you can customize your filter.

  6. Click the button beside the Filter list.

    The Create a Custom Filter window is displayed and all visible columns are listed.

  7. For each column that you want to filter, type a value or select it from the list.
  8. Click Save to close the Create a Custom Filter window.
    Note You can always undo your results by clicking Clear. This clears out any existing settings so you can overwrite them. You can also click Reset. This reverts any changes back to the most recently saved filters.

    Only those documents that match your filter settings are displayed.

  9. Optionally, remove the filter by selecting the <no filter> value from the list.