Sort Documents by Columns in the List View

By default, the documents are displayed in ascending alphabetical order of the File Name. You can however, sort the data based on a different column, whether it is a default column or a custom column.

You can sort your documents by column data in the list view by following these steps:

  1. Open the Documents window if it is not already open.
  2. If a different view is in use, switch to the List view Documents Window - Flat View icon.
  3. Select the desired document subset.

    The documents are displayed in the List view.

  4. Add custom columns if required.
  5. Select the header of the column you are sorting.

    Depending on the data type of the column, the documents are sorted in descending order. Clicking the heading again sorts the same column in ascending order.

    Note You can only sort the documents by one column at a time. If you want greater control over what is displayed, consider filtering the document subset instead.