Filter Columns in the List View

Sorting documents is a quick and easy way to order the documents in the selected document subset. If you are working with a large document subset, sorting may organize the documents in the correct way, but it can be cumbersome to scroll through the documents to find several with a particular value. As a result, you can use filters to display only those documents whose columns have a specific value.

Depending on the document set you are working with, different filtering options are available. For your training document sets, the following filters are available:

  • You can filter based on the selected class in the Project Tree. This means that as you navigate through the tree and select different classes, the documents listed in the list view are updated automatically to match the selected class.

  • You can filter out all classified documents and display only those that have no assigned class.

  • You can filter out all but a specific class. Only those documents that match the specified assigned class are displayed.

  • You can create a custom filter.

For example, if you are working with a document subset that contains 300 purchase order forms for various companies, each represented by a class, you can filter the results to display only those forms from a specific class. All others are hidden from view and can be viewed again by removing the filter on the column.

Test document sets and benchmark document sets can only use custom filters. This is because class and extraction information is not available. Most of the filters that are available for the training document sets, yet not available for other types of document sets, can be achieved using the custom filter.

Tip In order to filter your documents, their classification and extraction data is required. This means that you may need to select all of the documents in your document set and Read Classification and Extraction Data before filtering works as desired.

You can filter columns of your test documents in the list view by following these steps:

  1. Open the Documents window if it is not already open.
  2. If a different view is in use, switch to the List view Documents Window - Flat View icon.
  3. Create a Custom Filter WindowSelect the desired document subset.

    The documents are displayed in the List view.

  4. Optionally, right-click all selected documents in your document subset, and then click Read Classification and Extraction Data on the shortcut menu.

    The columns populate with the document data if not already loaded.

  5. On the Filter list in the toolbar, select one of the filters.

    If you select the <custom> value, you need to configure the custom settings.

    Only those documents that match your filter settings are displayed.

  6. Optionally, remove the filter by selecting the <no filter> value from the list.