
This topic describes the enhancements to forms.

New form does not save the form before opening

With this small change in behavior, when you create a new form, the form is opened with all the settings that you configured in an unsaved mode.

Job list, Work queue and Workload controls: Action icons

Actions in a Job list and Workload control support action icons. Work queue, Job list and Workload are updated to use action icons as the default.Support action icons in Work queue, Job list and Workload controls

Chart and Tile control: Animations and hover style

The new Animate property for a Chart and Tile control helps you to set animation on these controls.

Additionally, a hover effect has been incorporated into the tile; when hovered over, its opacity decreases by 20%.

For more information, see Design properties of a control.

Chart control: Additional properties

The new Query type option is added on the Chart and Tile control to filter fields for the selected query type and control.

Additional properties are available within the "Update control properties" action for a chart enabling users to apply a dynamic filter on a chart:

  • DynamicFilterField

  • DynamicFilterValue

  • DynamicQueryType

Chart: Dynamic filtering

Tile control: styling

New properties are available on a tile control to give you greater control over styling:

  • Apply gradient

  • Fade to color

  • Use custom font color

File upload control: Drag-and-drop support

The new Drag and drop property available on the "File upload" control lets you upload files using drag and drop in TotalAgility Workspace.

Button control: Support for Success and Alert buttons

The button type is extended to include Success and Alert button styles.

  • Success buttons are green, as green is associated with positive actions (such as confirming or proceeding).

  • Alert buttons are red, as red often signifies danger or a critical action (such as deletion).

Leveraging these color associations can help users intuitively understand the purpose of the buttons.

Improved deployed form and static JS minification

The generated JavaScript for TotalAgility deployed forms is enhanced to rename variables with smaller names, and other changes to improve the JavaScript loading time for large complex forms.

Using the same URL without the UID suffiix

TotalAgility uses the same URL without the UID suffix when referencing images associated with hyperlink columns on the non-Capture table.