Other Reporting enhancements
This topic summarizes the Reporting enhancements in TotalAgility 8.0.0.
New retention in Reporting
Data in Reporting is deleted after it is loaded into Kofax Analytics for TotalAgility to minimize storage and improve performance.
Data retention changes in Reporting
Several changes are implemented in Reporting to reduce the time it spends on purging the old data and making data consistent:
Deleted documents are included in document retention purges in Reporting.
The "Field retention" policy is removed because it only deleted data from [field_accum_fact] which was independent of other tables and could lead to an inconsistent state of Reporting data.
To eliminate excessive updates, the [dt_last_sess] value in the [field_accum_fact] table is only updated when the field is changed in some way.
Documentation on best practices for setting the retention policy in Reporting is added to the TotalAgility Best Practices Guide.
Reporting-related environmental variables in TotalAgility Designer
The following Reporting variables are added to the TotalAgility Designer for Azure packages and exposed in the Tenant Management system.