Tenant Management System enhancements

This topic describes the enhancements to the Tenant Management System.

Multi-tenant deployments: View deployments and associated environments

When upgrading a tenant:

  • You can view a deployment and see the tenants who are using the environments associated with that deployment.

  • Update a deployment and get all the tenant environments up to the same version.

  • Upgrade or disable environments for tenants.

See Upgrade tenants for more information.

Multi-tenant deployment: Define Core Worker Service profiles and associate them with deployment

In a multi-tenant deployment, it is possible to define profiles to control how the Core Worker functions and adjust the settings on deployment. See Manage Core Worker service profiles.

When editing a data center, you can associate a Core Worker Service profile with a deployment and change how the Core Worker Service is performing. See Configure a data center.

Development environment accessing live tenant databases

TotalAgility on-premise multi-tenant with Windows database authentication is enhanced to ensure only the correct development database user accesses the development environment tenant databases.