This topic describes the enhancements to workflow.
Change process to a custom service
You can now change the business process to a custom service and the properties and tabs are automatically updated to the custom service. If there are any unsupported activity types or properties, an error message is displayed.
Process cleanup
You can remove any unnecessary items from your process using the new Process cleanup option on the File tab of a process, case, case fragment, rule, and custom service. This displays a list of items that are defined in the process but not in use such as variables, states, milestones, roles, process events, and data models.
Copy nodes to new process
When editing a process, you can copy a selection of activities to a new process including the items used by the activities such as variables, states, milestones, roles, process events, and data models. Activities can be selected by lassoing or using the Ctrl or Shift keys.
This feature proves highly beneficial when aiming to create reusable segments.
Multi-select nodes and delete or move
You can select multiple nodes (by lassoing or using the Ctrl key) to re-position or delete them.
Double-click a node to open items in use in a process
When a Business rule, Create new job, or Custom service node exists in a process, on double-clicking the node, the underlying rule, process, or custom service opens in a new tab.
Delay activity from becoming pending
You can delay an activity from becoming pending for a specified period using the Pending delay duration property on the activity. The activity remains on hold until the time has passed and then becomes pending.
This applies to both automatic and manual activities. For more information, see Time and Cost.
Outputs for a synchronous process
If a process selected for a "Create new job" activity is synchronous, you can see the list of output variables and all variables associated with the synchronous process.
Allow synchronous map to contain Transfer activities
Transfer activities are supported in a synchronous map.
Complex variable column naming
You can provide a name for the columns within a Complex/Dynamic complex variable so that it is easier to identify the columns when using the variable in your process.
Ability to map TotalAgility complex variable to a Webservice Nullable[] variable
It is possible to map a TotalAgility complex variable to an Int32-Array (Nullable1[]) variable of a web service.
Support mapping data object fields to variables
You can map fields in your data object variable to variables. One use case is that they appear as work-type fields in job or activity search results. See Create variables for more information.
If your process has a data object as an initialization variable, you can now supply values for the fields in the data object when debugging.
Support variables to override a classification group in skins
When creating a skin, you can override the classification group (at process or activity level) either by selecting another classification group, or dynamically setting the classification group using a variable that holds the ID of the classification group.
Support static value as initialization parameter
TotalAgility 8.0.0 supports a static value as an initialization parameter in "Create new job" and "Create subjob" activities.
Expression activity: New JSON functions
The following two new functions are available for Date when using an Expression activity:
ToISODateString (date): Returns the date string in ISO date format and UTC zone.
FromDateString (string): Returns the date that is converted from the date string input.
Expression activity: UX
More space is added when using functions so that it is easier for the user to insert a variable.
Data list activity: Get Rows UI changes
The Data List activity configuration is enhanced so that it involves less mapping of variables.
For example, when configuring a Get Row(s) action you specify an index and map the return data as an object, the table to map the return is hidden and only the configuration to select the target object is available.
Change in UI: When specifying a custom search in a Get Row(s) action, the "Return variable" label is renamed to "Return to list". Similarly, there are changes for the Add row, Update row, and Delete row actions.
Capture activities: Reject documents on exceptions
You can now reject documents on exceptions at the activity level using the new Reject documents on exceptions option added to the Capture activities such as Classification activity.
Message for document not initialized
If a document, folder, data object, data backbone, or any such variable is used as the target variable in an expression, and then the same variable is used as the input variable in the subsequent expression within the same activity, a message is displayed.