Annotation and markup object properties

Change the icon, color, opacity, author, or subject of a markup object in the Properties dialog box, or review its history. To show properties, right-click on any annotation and markup object (note, text, callout, highlight, crossout, underline, and drawing shapes) and then click Properties.

The dialog box consists of three tabs:

  • Display – Change the visual style of the object.

    • Start (for Line, Arrow, Polygon Line) In the Start list, click on the desired arrow start head style. For available arrow head styles see the End list below.

    • End (for Callout, Line, Arrow, Polygon Line) In the End list, click on the desired arrow end head style:

      • None

      • Open

      • Closed

      • Open (Reverse)

      • Closed (Reverse)

      • Butt

      • Diamond

      • Round

      • Square

      • Slash

    • Style – (for Text Box, Callout, Underline, Line, Arrow, Rectangle, Oval, Polygon, Polygon Line, Cloud) Specify the line style for the border, select solid line or one of the six dashed/dotted styles. For Underline you may select only Solid or Squiggly. For Oval and Cloud, the list is extended with Cloudy 1 and Cloudy 2.

    • Thickness – (for Text Box, Callout, Line, Arrow, Rectangle, Oval, Polygon, Pencil, Polygon Line, Cloud) In the Thickness list, click on an item to specify the line weight for the border.

    • Icon – (for Note) In the Icon list, click an anchoring icon best representing the purpose of the object:

      • Note

      • Key

      • Tag

      • Insert

      • Speaker

      • Graph

      • Paragraph

      • Paper Clip

      • New Paragraph

      • Help

    • Color – (for Note, Text Box, Callout, Highlight, Cross-out, Underline, Line, Arrow, Rectangle, Oval, Polygon, Pencil, Polygon Line, Cloud) Click on the colored rectangle to display the color palette. Select any of the listed foreground colors, or click Other Color to invoke the Windows Color dialog box for customization. Click No Color to set the body of the object transparent.

      • The selected color is used both in the border of the object and in the anchoring icon (if applicable).

      • The selected color is used for the border of the Text Box.

    • Fill Color – (for Text Box, Callout, Highlight, Line, Arrow, Rectangle, Oval, Polygon, Polygon Line, Cloud) Click on the colored rectangle to display the color palette. Select any of the listed fill color, or click Other Color to invoke the Windows Color dialog box for customization. Click No Color to set the body of the object transparent.

      • The selected color is used to fill the Text Box.

    • Opacity – (for Note, Text Box, Callout, Highlight, Cross-out, Underline, Line, Arrow, Rectangle, Oval, Polygon, Pencil, Polygon Line, Cloud) Specify how much the anchoring icon (Note) or the border (Text Box) should be opaque. Set between 0 (full transparency) and 100 (no transparency).

  • Author and Subject – Change the subject and author, both displayed on the border of the object (if applicable).

    • Author – The default author name is displayed here. In a fresh installation the user Log-in Name is used for this purpose.

      • To be able to edit Author, Always use Log-in Name for Author nameshould be cleared on theFile > Options > Comment > Commentingtab. For details on commenting options see Comment options.

    • Subject – Specify a subject.

  • History – Shows review and migration history of the object.

For details on how to set default properties (Author, Color, Style) for newly created objects, see Changing Default Annotation and Markup Object Properties.

All three tabs share on the Protected check box, which functions as follows:

  • Select the Protected check box to prevent any changes in the content or the properties of the object.

  • Clear the Protected check box to allow changes in the content or the properties of the object.