Create PDF forms

The program includes Form tools to insert form fields onto PDF pages manually or automatically. You can post PDF forms you create on a web page, in order to receive filled form data directly to a database.

The automatic detection is performed by the FormTyper, called with the following tool on the Forms tab:

FormTyper icon There are two basic ways to prepare forms:

  • Create a form in an external application, bring it into the program, and activate the form controls automatically or manually.
  • Start a new, blank PDF inside the program and add your form elements manually.

Create a form in another application

  1. Create the layout of your form in an external application (such as Microsoft Word).
  2. Convert the file to PDF using the facilities provided.
  3. Click the FormTyper tool on the Forms tab of the ribbon if you want form elements auto-detected and displayed.
  4. Use the form tools if you want to add or modify controls. See Form Controls.
  5. When the form is ready, save the PDF file.
  6. Select the Hand tool at the top of the Panel bar if you want to fill the form you have created.

Create a form inside Power PDF

Do not edit form controls or run Form Typer on a form with active XFA controls.

  1. Select File > New > Blank PDF, or press ⌘Command+N.
  2. Draw form elements on the page with the form tools.
  3. Add static texts using text boxes.
  4. When the form is ready, save the PDF file.
  5. Select the Hand tool if you want to fill the form you have created.