Settings (Web Page Conversion)

This dialog box is accessible from the Create PDF from Web Page dialog box and provides page size and scaling settings:

  • Convert the webpage as single page PDF: Produce a non-paginated PDF file. This option will disable the Size and Height boxes.

  • Size: Select a standard page size or specify page dimensions in the boxes below.

  • Width, Height: Manually edit page dimensions that are set according to the selected Size.

  • Margins: Specify the margins in the following numeric boxes:

    • Top

    • Bottom

    • Left

    • Right

  • Orientation: Select an orientation:

    • Portrait

    • Landscape

  • Scale Wide Contents to fit page: Automatically shrink horizontally oversized web pages.
  • Switch to landscape if scaled smaller than (%): Automatically turn a page to landscape position, if the scaling proportion drops under the specified extent.
  • Default: Restore all settings to the original values.
  • OK: Save settings and close the dialog box.