Add a signature scheme

Signature schemes can be created using the New Signature Scheme wizard. See About the New Signature Scheme wizard for details.

  1. Click Create Signature Scheme (Create Signature Scheme icon) on the Sign/Certify panel. The New Signature Scheme dialog box shows up.

    If you have no saved schemes, select the Sign / Certify tool on the panel bar to open the Sign / Certify panel.

  2. Enter Scheme Title and Description, then click Next.
  3. After providing a name and description for the scheme, you may accept the Digital ID offered or click Add for another one.
  4. Optionally, select Certify document to not just sign the document but also certify it.
    1. Select the permitted actions in the Allowed Actions list.
  5. Optionally, select Show Signature Options to edit extra fields.
  6. Click Next.

    The Appearance page shows up.

  7. Define the appearance of your signature - the wizard proposes a standard appearance.
  8. Click Finish to have the scheme saved.