Edit tab

Use the Edit tab to access tools and settings for modifying PDF documents.

To find tools on tabs, see "Ribbon, tabs and panels" or use the search box in the Help menu.

Basic tools

Undo iconRedo icon Undo and Redo: Undo recent actions, or reverse recent undo actions. A few commands (like redaction and document flattening) cannot be undone.

Delete icon Delete: Remove selectable items, such as drawing objects or text in a normal or a form text box. You cannot use this tool to delete text selected on the actual PDF page, which requires the use of the Edit Object tool on pages with a text layer.

Select Area iconSelect All iconDeselect All iconSelect Area, Select All and Deselect All: Select an area to copy it the Clipboard, create a stamp from it, transform it to a hyperlink, export it to an editable format or declare it a table using the shortcut menu. Select All selects all text and objects on the current page of a Normal PDF when the current view (set at View > Scroll Options) is Single Page. In other cases, it selects all text and objects in the document. With image-only PDFs, it selects the entire current page. Deselect All removes the current selection.

Clipboard tools

Clipboard iconsClipboard iconsClipboard icons Cut, Copy, Paste: Cut or copy the selected content to the Clipboard, or paste Clipboard content into the current PDF.

Modify tools

Crop icon Crop: Reduce the size of the current or selected or all pages, or specify a page range; define the new crop page size by drag-and-drop or by numerical values.

Edit icon Edit: Select text blocks or objects to modify them. For details see Edit page contents and Text Format tab.

Place Image icon Place Image: Insert an image from file.

Typewriter icon Typewriter: Add text to any free place on a PDF page and define properties to be applied. Typewriter text becomes an integral part of the PDF at saving time.

Insert tools

Headers and Footers icon Headers and Footers: Add, update or remove headers and footers. Adding can be done to multiple documents. Updating and removing apply only to the current document. In Power PDF Advanced, headers or footers may include Bates numbering.

Bates Numbering icon Bates Numbering: Use this option to add or remove Bates numbering, a system used mainly in legal circles to ensure that all pages in all documents relating to a particular case or topic have unique page identifiers. These identifiers appear in the Header or Footer areas of the pages.

Link icon Link: Add a hyperlink to a page area to define the link appearance; or link an action to open a file, go to a web location, or go to another location in the document.


Alignment icon Alignment: Display or hide grids, rulers and guides, and set Snap to Grid to automatically align moved objects. Toggle line display between original and schematic weight by selecting or clearing the check mark for Line Weights.

Measure icon Measure: Determine distances, perimeters and areas of two-dimensional figures on the PDF page.

JavaScript icon JavaScript: Define actions perform through use of Javascript. JavaScript can be temporarily enabled or disabled in the program under Kofax Power PDF for Mac > Options > JavaScript. See Options overview.