
Power PDF for Mac adds the following menus to the standard Mac menu bar:

  • File: Open, save, create, export, share documents and revisions, or edit document properties. See File menu for details.

  • Edit: Use standard editing commands, check spelling, and search in the current document or multiple files.

  • View: Set scroll options, rotation, zoom, or select from the most common panels. Set alignment options, such as grids, rulers, guides, and line weights. Switch to full screen or back, select a display theme, or turn the toolbar (also called Ribbon) on or off.

  • Window: Select from the list of the opened documents, or set split view.

  • Help: Use the search bar to find a command or menu item. Reach product and license information and online documentation.

Most of the menu commands have their equivalent on the Ribbon. For details, see Ribbons, tabs and panels.