About working with comments

Comments include notes, text boxes, callouts, attachments, drawing objects, stamps and document markups. Comments are managed using the Comments panel, its tool can be found in the Panel Bar.

Comments panel icon Click the Comments tool to open or close the Comments Panel.

If you do not see this tool, right-click in an empty area of the Panel bar and select it.

For more information on the Comments Panel, see Comments panel.

Comment handling tools

The following tools are located on the toolbar at the top of the Comments panel.

Collapse or expand

Collapse or expand icon Collapses or expands all comments in the listing. Comments are listed per page. Collapsing leaves just the page indicators. Expanding restores all comments in the document. Each page heading has its own expand/collapse icon that acts on all comments with the page. Each listed comment has its own expand/collapse icon, along with a selection checkbox (useful when filtering) and an icon denoting the comment type (text, stamp, drawing object, highlights, plus color coding of replies from different people). Below that appears the date and time of the comment and any text content within the comment. Collapsing the item retains only the three items in the header and removes the time/date and text.

Filtering Comments
Filtering Comments icon This tool leads to a drop-down listing. Use it to hide or show all comments, both in the list and in the document or to filter all comments by Type, Reviewer, Status or Checkmark. See Filtering and Sorting Comments.
Sorting Comments
Sorting Comments icon Sorts all comments by - Type, Page, Author, Date, Color or Checkmark Status. See Filtering and Sorting Comments.
Searching Comments
Searching Comments icon Calls the search dialog box. Enter a search string with one or more words to be located in all comments in the document containing text. Select further search criteria and click "Search Comments". All found occurrences are listed. Click one to jump to the comment concerned.
Options icon Click this tool to access additional options:
  • Migrate Comments: Copy comments from an earlier version of the document into the latest or more recent version. See Migrating Comments.

  • Create Comment Summary: Select from different formats for the summary presentation. See Print with Comments.

  • Import Comments or Export Comments: Save comments to an .xfdf file type to a location you select.

Context menus for comments

As you right-click on any comment in the listing a shortcut menu appears with the following items:

  • Reply: Notes and drawing objects can be replied to. Text boxes and Callouts cannot. Type in a reply to the current comment. If the comment already has text a new note is opened, awaiting your reply. If a comment has no text a note box is opened for your reply or comment. Each new replier is denoted by a different note frame color.

  • Delete Annotation: Each comment must be deleted one-by-one. Deletions can be undone.

  • Set Status: Each comment has a Review Status and a Migration Status. When you have reviewed a comment, select Set Status to change its Review State from None to Accepted, Rejected, Canceled or Completed. For the Status options for migrated comments, see Migrating Comments.

  • Properties: Call the Properties dialog box with three tabs, namely Display, Author and Subject, History. The content of the first tab may change depending on the type of the comment object. The tab History shows the dates and changes of Review and Migration Status. For more information see Annotation and Markup Object Properties.

Print the document with comments by selecting Create Comment Summary in the Options drop down on the Comments panel. Select a printing format in the Summarize Comments dialog box.