Draw Tools
Line Select the tool, click and keep the left mouse button pressed to start drawing a line. Release the mouse to finish. Select a line and use Properties from the shortcut menu to define line thickness, color and if desired, a line ending shape. To resize or rotate a line, select the Hand tool from the top of the Panel bar, click the line, then hover the mouse over its endpoint to get a four-headed arrow cursor to start transforming. |
Rectangle Select the tool, click and keep the left mouse button pressed to start drawing a rectangle; move from the top-left corner to its bottom-right corner, then release the mouse. To scale a rectangle, select the Hand tool and hover the mouse over any corner to get a two-headed arrow cursor to start the transformation. |
Pencil Select the tool then click to draw freehand lines on the PDF. Use the eraser to remove any part of a freehand line. |
Oval Select the tool, click and drag with the left mouse button to draw an oval or a circle. Select the oval or circle with the Hand tool to resize it. |
Polygon Select the tool, then click to start drawing a line; click again to draw more connected lines. To connect your last and first sides to complete the polygon, double-click, or right-click and select Complete. See also Hammer below. |
Polygon line Select the tool and click to start drawing a polygonal line. Set angles by clicking again. To finish, double-click with the tool, or right-click and select Complete. A polygon line is not a closed shape; it is a set of connected straight lines. See also Hammer below on adding or removing angles. |
Cloud Select this tool and click repeatedly to draw a polygon. Double-click to finish it, the cloud appears in the shape of the polygon. |
Eraser Select the tool, click and keep the left mouse button pressed to erase all or part of a freehand line drawn with the Pencil tool. |
Hammer This tool works only with polygons or polygon lines. Click with the hammer on any angle to remove it and reduce the two neighboring sides to one. Resulting polygons must have at least 3 sides. Click with the hammer at any point on a polygon side, and drag this point to a new location to change one side into two.