Split Document

To access the Split Document dialog box, select Home > Split

Source Document

Select Current Document if it has more than one page, or Selected Document and click Browse to display the Open dialog box. Select the file to be split. In all cases, the original PDF remains intact.

Split Mode

On valid input, splitting generates one or more output files covering the entire content of the original document. Power PDF uses the original file name, adding a prefix text and running numbers to the file names. Select a split mode.

  • Split by file size: Splits your PDF document into parts with no more than a specified file size. The size limit should be between 0.50 and 200 MB. This is useful for sending PDF files when bandwidth could be limited.

  • Split by parity of pages: Splits your PDF document based on odd and even pages. Two output files are created named "Odd segment of [file name]" and "Even segment of [file name]".

  • Split by blank page: Starts a new PDF document each time a blank page is encountered. Blank pages are discarded. The first segment always starts with Page 1 even if it is not blank. You can place blank pages in an ADF when scanning to PDF, and then use this mode to split the file.

  • Split by pages (pages as a document): Splits your PDF document into files, each containing an equal number of pages. If you enter "3," the document is split into parts, each containing 3 consecutive pages. The last segment may contain fewer pages.

  • Split by pages containing text: Splits a PDF document at pages containing the entered word or text string – which is case sensitive. A new file begins whenever the next occurrence of the entered text string is found. The first segment always starts with Page 1 even if it does not contain the specified text. Comments and signatures are not checked for text match. Reports, invoices or billing statements can be efficiently processed with this split mode.

  • Split by pages: Splits a PDF document into parts based on user-defined separator page numbers (for example: 7; 32; 87). The first segment always starts with Page 1 even if you do not explicitly specify it. You are warned if you specify invalid page numbers.

  • Split by bookmark: Splits a PDF document at the page where the specified bookmark name is found. The first segment always starts with Page 1.

  • Split by bookmark level: Splits your PDF document based on a certain bookmark level. A new file begins whenever the specified bookmark level is found. The first segment always starts with Page 1. Bookmark splitting is available only for PDF files with bookmarks.

Extracting Pages

On valid input, the output from Extract functions usually covers only part of the original document, which also remains intact.

  • Extract by pages or page ranges: Extracts parts of the document specified by user-defined pages or ranges that should not overlap. Within a page range, pages may be specified, and will be then output, in reverse order. The resulting PDF files will be named "Segment 001 of [original file name]", "Segment 002 of [original file name]", and so on.

    If the case of an invalid separator or on overlapping ranges, a warning is given.


    2;2-37;35-46 invalid overlapping

    2;4-33;35-46 valid specification

  • Extract pages containing text: Extracts pages that match an entered word or text string (this is case sensitive) and saves them to a single file. The resulting file is named by the entered text pattern. This option is useful to extract pages that share common characteristics and group them into a single file (for example, single-page reports submitted by a specific person). Comments and signatures are not checked for text match.

  • Extract by bookmark: Extracts all pages associated with a certain bookmark name. Enter the bookmark name in the text box (case sensitive). The names of the resulting files will be as follows: “[bookmark name]_001”, “[bookmark name]_002”, “[bookmark name]_003”, and so on.

  • Extract by bookmark level: Every bookmark section of the specified level is extracted into a separate PDF file and named using the bookmark title. The resulting files are placed in automatically created folders that mirror the bookmark hierarchy (down to the specified level). An automatically generated HTML index file provides easy file navigation. Bookmark extracting is available only for PDF files with bookmarks.

    Example: Enter 3 to extract sections organized under third-level bookmarks. If your original document has four second-level bookmarks, then four subfolders will be created with their own second-level bookmark names each and hold the appropriate files, if any. The main folder is named by the original file.

By default, the resulting PDF files (except for a parity split) will be named "Segment 001 of [original file name]", "Segment 002 of [original file name]" and so on, always incrementing the running number. Click Numbering Options to specify the file numbering parameters (Number of Digits, Start Number, Increment of Numbering) of result segments as needed.

Click OK to display the file open dialog box and select a folder, or make a new one, to save split documents. Be sure to organize a folder structure for output files that avoids overwriting output results from different splitting actions.