Set redaction properties
Redaction marks appear as black rectangular boxes by default. However, you can define a custom default appearance for redaction marks, or change the appearance of a selected redaction mark before you apply redactions. This applies to Power PDF Advanced only.
To set default Redaction Properties proceed with the following steps:
Select .
In the
Redaction Properties dialog box, set the following options in the
Display tab:
- Mark Color: Set a background color for redacted areas. The removed text will not be visible even if you select a light color.
- Use Overlay Text: Optionally specify Custom Text or Redaction Code to be overlaid on a redacted area. See Using Redaction Codes.
- If you select Repeat Overlay Text, the specified text will be placed in the redaction area repeatedly (as many times as it fits without truncation).
The appearance of the overlay text is shown in the Preview area.
Edit next to Font: to open the
Font Editor dialog box to modify defaults for the overlay text:
Font: Set the font type for the overlay text characters.
Font Size: Set the size of the overlay text font.
Font Color: Set the color of the overlay text font.
Alignment: Set how the overlay text will align.
Auto-size text to fit redaction area: If this option is selected, the overlay text will be automatically resized to fit to the height of the redaction area.
- Optionally, open the Author and Subject tab. By default, the computer user name appears with the subject "Redact". Change as preferred.
- Click OK in either panel to apply changes and close the dialog box. Until a redaction is applied in a document, its settings can still be modified.