Prepare forms for distribution
To modify and distribute an active PDF form proceed with the preferred subset of the following steps:
- Open the PDF form.
Use the Edit (
) tool on the Edit tab of the ribbon to modify the text, change the font, or modify a logo or picture on the form.
Use the Select (
) tool at the top of the Panel bar to add highlights or underlines.
- Use the Typewriter (
) tool on the Edit tab of the ribbon if you need to add new static text to become an integral part of the form after it is next saved.
Use the Text Box (
) tool on the Comment tab of the ribbon if you need to add new static text to the form that remains an annotation.
- Add other comments and notes if you need to review the form with colleagues before distributing it.
- Select form controls if you need to move, resize or delete them. Add form controls as desired.
- Finish reviewing the form design, then remove all comments or notes not wanted on the final form.
- Save and distribute the form as described below.
Acquire a static PDF form
To acquire a static PDF form, proceed with any of the following steps.
- Scan a paper form to PDF and open it.
- Open a downloaded or received static PDF form.
Activate a static PDF form
Run Form
Typer (
) on the form to have its form elements auto-detected. Find this on the Forms tab of the ribbon.
- Examine the activated controls.
- Move or resize these controls as necessary.
- Add or delete controls as necessary.
- Modify the static text on the form with the Edit Object or Select tool.
- Use annotate and markup tools if you need to agree on the form contents with others.
As an alternative, you can click Blank PDF and compile your own form manually, using tools on the Forms tab of the ribbon: check boxes, radio buttons, text fields and signature fields and adding static texts and pictures.
Distribute the unfilled active PDF form you have created
- Save the PDF form.
- Use another application to link its fields to a database if desired.
- Post the form to a web site or distribute it by email.