Register as a new user

Register with your Microsoft / Google Workspace / Okta / OneLogin account

If your administrator enabled Microsoft, Google Workspace, Okta, or OneLogin authentication, you are automatically registered when you first sign in with your respective account. You also receive an email with the subject Get started with Printix.

Register with your network user name and password

If your administrator enabled Active Directory authentication, you are automatically registered when you first sign in with your network account. You also receive an email with the subject Get started with Printix.

Self-registration by email

  1. Open a web browser and enter your Printix Home URL.
  2. On the sign-in page, select Menu > Register in the top right corner.

    Printix sign-in page

  3. On the Register page, enter your email address.

    Printix registration page

  4. Select Register.

    You receive an email with the subject Welcome to Printix.

  5. Open the email and select Get started.

    If you do not see the email within a few minutes, check your spam/junk mail folder.

  6. On the Activate your print account for {organization} page:
    • Enter your full name.

    • Enter your password.

    Account activation page
  7. Select Activate.

Request an email invitation

  1. Contact a member of your organization with a system manager role and ask to be invited by email.

    You receive an email with the subject Welcome to Printix.

  2. Open the email and select Get started.

    If you do not see the email within a few minutes, check your spam/junk mail folder.

  3. On the Activate your print account for {organization} page:
    • Enter your full name.

    • Enter your password.

  4. Select Activate.