Access Websites
When creating a Desktop Automation workflow, you can open websites in the built-in browser and use action steps to extract information and navigate sites. The built-in browser is based on the selected engine, such as Chromium. To navigate, use Desktop Automation step actions.
Kofax RPA browser supports the following protocols:
- http:
- about:
- https:
- ftp:
- file:
To open a website, insert the Browse step, select the browser engine in the Browser list, and specify all necessary parameters, such as the address in the URL field. Use the Tree Stops Changing guard after any step that includes loading a page or when other changes occur on a webpage. See Guarded Choice for more information.
- Browser interface
- The built-in browser in
Desktop Automation
contains the following controls.
Go back: navigates one page back.
Go forward: navigates one page forward.
Reload: reloads the current page. When the page is loading, the button displays a cross to notify that the browser is busy.
URL field: Contains either the URL of the currently loaded page or the URL you pasted before navigating to the page.
Navigate: goes to the URL entered in the URL field.
Configure Proxy: opens proxy configuration dialog box.
Print to PDF: saves the currently open to a PDF file.
Save page button: saves the currently open page in HTML format. Note that this button is located in the right corner of the browser toolbar and might not be visible on some screens. If you cannot see the button, scroll the Recorder view window to the right.
- URL in the built-in browser
Browser window contains the URL text field in the toolbar. It shows the URL of the loaded web page. You can select the URL and extract the value into a variable using action steps. The tree view shows the URL as well.
- To select the text in the URL field, click the URL field using the Click.
- To change the address, click the URL field by using the Click step and enter the address using either the Enter Text step or from a variable.
- To go to the entered URL, click the Navigate button to the right of the URL field.
- Configure proxy
By default, all robots of the Desktop Automation Service use Kofax RPA global proxy settings. The Desktop Automation Service uses the same proxy settings as the Design Studio and Management Console. See Configuring Proxy Servers in Design Studio and Configuring Proxy Servers in Management Console for more information on proxy server properties.
Important Remember that the local proxy settings of the built-in browser in Desktop Automation Service have a higher priority than the Kofax RPA global proxy settings. Make sure the robot uses the Kofax RPA global proxy settings, unless the task requires it to use local proxy settings. - To change proxy settings for the built-in browser in
Desktop Automation, click the
Configure Proxy button on the web browser toolbar. The following proxy options are available:
- Direct: Proxy is not used.
- Fixed: Specify fixed proxy settings, such as host, port, and a bypass list.
- PAC: Specify the URL of the proxy auto-configuration script file.
- Auto: Click this option if your network provides for automatic proxy configuration, such as the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Protocol.
- System: select this option to copy proxy settings from the computer running your robot.
Once proxy settings are set, click OK to save the settings and close the dialog box.
- Save page as PDF doc
- To save a web page in the PDF format, click Print to PDF on the browser toolbar and specify the full path including the file name in the open dialog box. Enter double slashes in the path as follows: C:\\AutomatedDevice\\PDFs\\MyPage.pdf. Click OK to save the file.
- Optionally, you can save the file to a robot file system by selecting
Robot File System in the
Save page as PDF doc dialog box.
In the RFS file name field, enter the path to the configured file system and the file name, such as myshare/downloaded.pdf. The file system name must correspond to that specified on the Robot File System tab in the Management Console.
To adjust the PDF file settings, such as page orientation, paper size, and scale, specify necessary options in the PDF Settings property of the Browse step.
- Save web page
- You can save the currently open page in HTML format using the
Save page button in the browser. To save the page:
- Click the Save page button using the Click step. Once you execute the step, the browser opens the Save As dialog box. Note that the dialog box opens in the left top corner of the browser.
- If you want to change the path to save the file, click the path text field and insert the new path including the file name either using the Enter Text step or from a variable.
- Save the page by clicking the Save button.
- Download a file
- You can download a file from a website and specify the path to store the file in the Save As dialog box. By default, the file is stored in the temporary files folder configured for the current user.
- Optionally, you can save the file to a robot file system by selecting
Robot File System in the
Save as dialog box.
In the RFS file name field, enter the path to the configured file system and the file name, such as myshare/downloaded.pdf. The file system name must correspond to that specified on the Robot File System tab in the Management Console.
Debugging with Chrome Inspector
Kofax RPA supports debugging in the Chromium browser engine using Chrome Inspector in the Device Action step. The Inspector can help you extract and save information necessary to analyze the interaction between the website and the browser and errors occurred during processing of the web content. Information is saved in the HTTP Archive (HAR) format. To save the log to a file, perform the following steps.
Open cef.cfg file located at <Kofax RPA installation folder>\nativelib\hub\windows-x32\<hub version number>\node_modules\cef in a text editor.
For example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Kofax RPA x32\nativelib\hub\windows-x32\1267\node_modules\cef
Set show_dev_tools property to true, save the file, and reload your robot.
Once you execute the Browse step that loads a web page, the Chrome DevTools window attached to the corresponding web page opens.
In the Chrome DevTools window, select the Network tab, click Preserve log, and press Ctrl+R. The network trace loads in the window.
Right-click the trace and select Save all as HAR with content to save the network trace in a file. Now you can open the file in a HTTP Archive inspector.