Change Proxy
This action changes the proxy server used in subsequent steps. Hereby, it allows the robot to switch between multiple proxy servers during its execution or use a specified proxy.
To use this action with auto select, you must specify a list of proxy servers that the action should switch between. See Specifying a Proxy Server for information on how to do this.
At each execution of the Change Proxy action a new proxy server is selected from the list. The proxy servers are selected in the order that they appear on the list, with the first one being chosen randomly at the first execution of the Change Proxy action.
See Use Proxy Services for more details.
The Change Proxy action can be configured using the following properties:
- Remove Cookies
Specifies whether to remove all cookies when the proxy is changed. If the proxy is used to stay anonymous then cookies should be removed when changing proxy.
- Auto Select
If checked, the step will select the next (round robin) proxy from the properties file described in Specifying a Proxy Server. It will test that it is possible to connect to the proxy before selecting it. If Auto Select is not checked it will use the proxy specified manually in the properties explained below
- Host Name
Specify the host name of the proxy.
- Port Number
Specify the port number of the proxy.
- User Name
Specify the user name to use for authenticating against the proxy.
- Password
Specify the password to use for authenticating against the proxy.
- Excluded hosts
Specify a list containing hosts that should be excluded from the proxy. Each host must be on a separate line.