Configure the Process Discovery Analyzer
Process Discovery Analyzer is designed to process the recorded raw data and to generate refined data for the Kofax Analytics for RPA dashboard views.
The Analyzer is a command line application that outputs its status to the console window and the Analyzer log file.
- Getting settings from the Management Console
During the startup, the Process Discovery Analyzer connects to the Management Console to receive the necessary settings and information about the Process Discovery Groups to start the analysis.
Note Analyzer and Management Console version must be the same. If the version does not match, the Analyzer reports an error.Set up Management Console URL and authentication settings to connect to the Management Console. The Process Discovery Analyzer options section explains how to set the options depending on the way the Analyzer is deployed.
- Analyzing data
Process Discovery Analyzer processes all recorded data collected by the agents within the Process Discovery groups. The analysis is performed for every Process Discovery group separately.
After the connection to the Management Console is established, the Analyzer checks the connection to the database. If the database connection is established successfully, the Analyzer starts the analysis.
Note The Analyzer does not perform the analysis if it cannot connect to the Management Console or the Analyzer database.A group is omitted from the analysis if Analyze option is not selected for a group in Management Console or if the Analyzer cannot connect to a Process Discovery group database.
Once data analysis for all groups is finished, Analyzer enters the standby mode and waits for the next run according to the schedule specified in the Management Console settings.
Note Analysis is a time consuming operation that may take hours and even days depending on the amount of data. - Log file
- The location of the Analyzer log file (analyzer.log) depends on the operating system and running
- Windows application
If Analyzer is installed as a Windows application, the log file is located in the Analyzer Application Data folder. For example:
- Windows service
- If Analyzer is installed as a Windows service, the log file is located in the Program Data folder. For example:
- Linux application
- If Analyzer is installed on Linux, the log file is located as follows:
Process Discovery Analyzer options
- Process Discovery Analyzer deployed using Docker on Linux
When Analyzer is deployed using Docker, options are specified in the environment sections inside the docker-compose.yml file before creating a Docker image. If you want to change the settings after you create an image file, open docker-compose.yml, edit the options, and build an image again by running the following command in the terminal.
docker-compose -p process_discovery -f compose-examples/docker-compose.yml up --build
To avoid possible issues, clear the cache by running the following command before building the Analyzer image.
docker-compose -p process_discovery -f compose-examples/docker-compose.yml rm -v
See "Deploy Analyzer using Docker on Linux" in the Administrators Guide for more information.
docker-compose.yml contains the following sections:
- services section
MC_URL: Management Console URL
MC_USER: A name to log in to the Management Console
MC_PASSWORD: A password to log in to the Management Console
LOG: Sets logging level. Possible values are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG.
- mysql-server-service section
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: Specify a password for the root user to access the database.
- Process Discovery Analyzer deployed without Docker
To see the list of Analyzer options with descriptions, in the console window run either KofaxRPAProcessDiscoveryAnalyzer.exe for Windows platform or KofaxRPAProcessDiscoveryAnalyzer for Linux platform with -h or --help parameter, such as:
KofaxRPAProcessDiscoveryAnalyzer.exe --help
- Process Discovery Analyzer options
-h, --help
Shows the help message and exits.
Shows the version of the Analyzer.
Management Console URL.
Management Console username.
Management Console password.
Explicitly specifies locale, such as "ja". By default locale is retrieved from system settings.
Sets logging level. Possible values are CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG.
Opens the Analyzer documentation.
Note Process Discovery Analyzer saves configuration of the last run. Next time you start the Analyzer without options, it uses the configuration saved during the previous run. Note that Windows application and Windows service configurations are saved separately. - Analyzer default settings
--mc-url=localhost:50080 --log=info --locale=<system settings>