Applications View
The Applications view is located under the Robot view in the Robot Editor. In the Applications view, you can see a part of the current robot state: the part of the robot state that has to do with loaded pages. The state shown is the input state to the current step.
In the Applications view, you see the Page views of the windows in the current robot state. When loading from a URL, several windows may be opened, each containing a page. The current window is marked with an arrow. If the opened page contains non-HTML content, you can preview the page depending on the type of the content. Use the Preview button to change the type of the content. You can preview CSV, JSON, text, Excel, XML, and binary content and apply step actions to them.
If you use the Classic browser engine, for each window, the Page view is split into several sub views depending on the type of the page. For example, if the loaded page is an HTML page, the Page view has sub views. There are five types of pages: HTML, XML, JSON, Excel and Binary. HTML and Binary use the same view and the other page types use their own specialized Page views.
To see the Cookies view of the state of the current step, you can open the Cookies window from the View menu. Cookies are added to this list as the robot loads web pages that use cookies.
Similarly, you can open the Authentications window from the View menu to see the authentications of the current state.