Variable Validation Errors
Validation errors can occur on variables using types that are changed, renamed, or deleted. This topic explains how to deal with these errors.
If a type used by a variable is missing, a validation error informing that the "type could not be found" is shown. Resolve the error by creating a type with the name of the missing type, or by opening the Configure Variable window and selecting another type for the variable.
A configuration problem with a type used by a variable can also result in a validation error on the variable informing that it has an "invalid type". This problem is solved by rectifying the problem with the type or selecting a different type for the variable from the Configure Variable window.
The validation error informing that some of the variable's initial/test values are "incompatible with its type" is a bit more subtle, and not as self-explanatory as the preceding errors. The error occurs if a variable has some initial/test values assigned to attributes and the variable's type is then changed such that one or more of the values can no longer be assigned to the attributes. This happens if the attribute is deleted from the type, or if the attribute type is changed so that the old assignment value is now incompatible. For instance, if an initial value is assigned to an attribute with the attribute type Short Text, but the variable type is changed so that the attribute now has the attribute type "Boolean," the old value can no longer be assigned to it. To fix the problem, open the Configure Variable window the now non-assigned values are shown and can be copied to other attributes. To clear the non-assigned values, and resolve the validation error, exit the Configure Variable window by clicking OK. A prompt appears, informing that the values will be discarded. After you click OK again, the validation error is resolved.