Schedule Kapplets
You can run Kapplets at a predefined interval, such as every day at noon or every Friday at 4.50 pm.
To schedule a Kapplet, in the Schedule run section, select a run
option from the list and complete the appropriate schedule information.
Note, that the time specification will be interpreted, as is, in the time zone of the server running the Management Console. Also notice that the Start button changes to a Schedule button when the 'Schedule run' option is toggled.
Once the Kapplet is scheduled it will run periodically as specified by the Kapplet User. The schedules configured for an Installed Kapplet can be listed in the left-hand side of the screen by clicking the 'Show existing schedules' link.
When the Kapplet User lists the Installed Kapplets the schedule is shown on the Kapplet.
To delete a schedule, select the schedule and click the delete
icon in the left-hand schedule list.
Notice that scheduling and email notification can be combined for Kapplets.