Filter field on most of the tabs under Repository helps you to filter a list of items to view by their names and path. Note that Robots and Trigger Mappings tabs contain filtering text fields that do not use wildcards. For example, to filter the list of robots by their tags, type a tag name or a part of the name in the Tag text box.
Note the following rules when filtering the list using the Filter field:
? matches a single character, * matches zero or more characters
When you type a search string without a forward slash and without any wildcard characters, the search is performed as a substring matching the name of the items. For example, the search string "foo" would match the robots foo and foobar regardless of the folder they are in.
When you type a search string without a forward slash but with one or more wildcard characters, the search is performed as pattern matching the full name of the item. For example, "foo*" would match the robots foo and foobar regardless of the folders they are in, but would not match xxxfoo. The search string "foo?ar" would match the robot foobar.
When you type a search string containing a forward slash, the search is performed to match the full path of the items, that is folder plus name. For example, the search string "sub1/foo" would match sub1/foo, but not sub1/foobar. The search string "sub1/foo*" would match both sub1/foo and sub1/foobar.