Test Page Type
This action test the type of the page in the current window. There are currently 4 page types: HTML, XML, Excel and Binary.
The Test Page Type action is configured using the following properties:
- Page Type
This contains the page type to test for. There are 4 possibilities for this:
This is true if and only if the page in the current window is an HTML page. This does not necessarily mean that the source was HTML, but only that after the page has been loaded it was passed or converted to an HTML page and presented as such in the Page View.
This is true if and only if the page in the current window is an XML page.
- Excel
This is true if and only if the page in the current window is a spreadsheet document.
- Binary
This is true if and only if the page in the current window is a Binary page.
- If
Specifies the exact condition to test for, and thus enables inversion of the stated condition. The default is to test if the "Condition is Not Satisfied". If this is selected and the condition evaluates to false, execution will be affected as indicated by the Do property; however if the condition evaluates to true, execution will continue down the current branch. It is possible instead to test if the "Condition is Satisfied", which reverses the outcome.
- Do
Determines what happens when the condition and the If property together indicate that execution should not continue down the current branch.
- As Specified Under Error Handling
The Error Handling tab specifies in detail what to do.
- Skip Following Steps
Execution down the current branch will stop.