A snippet is a group of steps that can be reused in several robots. A snippet is maintained in a file separate from the robot. Whenever the contents of a snippet is changed in one robot, it is automatically updated in other robots that uses the same snippet. A snippet is inserted into a robot using the Snippet step, and edited in-line. Snippets contents cannot be edited without being inserted into a robot.
For additional information, see the Snippets tutorial.
The Snippet step inside a robot is in many ways similar to a Group step. Although, the steps inside a Group step are part of the robot, the steps inside a Snippet step are maintained in a separate file and can be reused in other robots inside the same project. A robot is incomplete and cannot execute if a snippet that it references is not present in the project.
After selecting a group of steps to convert to a reusable snippet, click
"Create Snippet from Selection." If
only a single group step is selected, it can be converted to a reusable snippet by clicking
"Convert Group to Snippet." A
snippet can be easily embedded into a robot by clicking the "Convert Snippet to Group"
icon after selecting a snippet step.
A snippet can also define a set of variables included in the set of variables of any robot that uses the snippet.
A snippet can have a description. This is edited in the Snippet Editor and is shown on every occurrence of that snippet in robots.