The Schedules subsection enables you to manage the schedules on this Management Console. A schedule denotes a selection of robots and plans for running them. Running the schedule means running the selected robots (in parallel or sequence) optionally executing pre- and post-run scripts or robots.
The following information is displayed for each schedule in the list of schedules. The information is presented in columns. Some of the columns are hidden by default, and can be shown by clicking the down arrow on the column header, and selecting the columns.
Column |
Description |
Active |
When Active, the schedule runs as planned. You may want to make a schedule inactive for several reasons, such as:
Name |
Name of the schedule. |
Project Name |
Name of the project that the schedule belongs to (useful when the 'All' project is selected). |
Job Count |
Combination of total and active jobs. If all jobs are active it will simply list the number of active jobs; if 2 of 3 jobs are active it will list 2 (3). |
Total Jobs (hidden by default) |
Total number of jobs in the schedule. (To see the jobs, edit the schedule as described below.) |
Active Jobs (hidden by default) |
Number of active jobs in the schedule. (To see the jobs, edit the schedule as described below.) |
Next Run |
Time when the schedule is planned to run next. |
Previous Run |
Time when the schedule was last run. |
Interval |
Planned interval between two consecutive runs of the schedule. |
Total Runs |
How many times the schedule has been run. |
Created By (hidden by default) |
Name of the user that created this schedule. |
Modified By (hidden by default) |
Name of the user that last modified this schedule. |
Commit Message |
Summary describing the commit. |
Revision Number |
Number of the schedule revision. |
Cluster (hidden by default) |
Cluster that the schedule executes on. |
Delete |
Click to delete the schedule. |
Edit |
Click to edit the schedule or to view more details on a specific schedule. You can also edit a schedule by double-clicking the row. |
Run/Stop |
Click to manually run the schedule. This is especially useful for inactive schedules. If the schedule is already running, it will be stopped. That is, all its running robots are stopped as quickly as possible. The schedule is displayed as "running" until all its robots stop executing. |
Errors |
Number of schedule errors during the last run of the schedule. Schedule errors do not include robot errors. Schedule errors prevent the schedule from running, such as a deleted cluster or errors in pre- or post-processing. Note To see Errors (and Robot Errors), make sure the log database is set up in the Management Console settings (see
Database) and that database logging is enabled on the RoboServers via the
logging cluster
settings. For more information, see
Log View.
Robot Errors |
Number of robot errors that occurred in robots run by this schedule. |
To create a new schedule, click Add in the upper left corner. If the current project selection is All, when clicking the Add button, you have to select an actual project before you can add a new schedule.
To copy an existing schedule, right click a schedule and select Create Copy.
in the
"Edit" column or double-clicking anywhere in the row for an existing schedule brings up the "Edit
Schedule" dialog box, which is useful for changing the schedule or viewing all details about it.
The dialog box contains two tabs: "Basic" and "Advanced". The Basic tab contains everything necessary for setting up a normal schedule. On the Advanced tab you can configure runtime constraints.
The following information can be configured for schedules:
Field |
Description |
Name |
Name of the schedule. |
Active |
Active schedule is marked with a check mark. |
Simple / Cron |
Used to select between two different ways of defining the time plan for a schedule. |
Every |
(Available only for Simple schedules.) Desired time interval between two consecutive runs of the schedule. This is entered as an integral number with a unit, such as "1 minute" or "3 hours". |
Pattern |
(Available only for Cron schedules.) Pattern defining when the schedule should be run. See Cron Schedule for details of the format. |
Pre Processing |
Name of a script or robot that will be run as part of the schedule, before any other robots are run. Note that you must perform the following steps if you want to run an application on the RoboServer computer or a pre processing script on the Management Console computer.
Post Processing |
Name of a script or robot to run as part of the schedule, after all other robots have been run. See pre-processing above for details. |
Run on Cluster |
Name of the cluster to run this schedule on. |
Commit Message |
Summary describing the commit. |
Robots (to the right) |
See the table with a list of jobs below. |
Execution Time Limit (Advanced tab) |
Set the maximum execution time for each robot in the schedule. When a robot has executed for this period of time, the server will stop it, and an error will be logged. The default value is -1, which means the time is not limited. |
Extracted Values Limit (Advanced tab) |
Select the maximum number of values each robot may output. If the robot outputs more than this number of values, the server will stop it, and an error will be logged. The default value is -1, which means the number is not limited. |
Run Jobs Sequentially (Advanced tab) |
If checked, the robots will execute in the order listed on the Basic tab. |
Use Email Notification (Advanced tab) |
Check to receive an email whenever a robot fails. If several robots in a schedule fail, you will get one email for each robot each time the schedule runs. Email notification works only if you configure an SMTP server in the Options Tab and enter the desired email addresses in the following field. |
Email Addresses (Advanced tab) |
Comma-separated list of email addresses to which notifications are sent. The first listed address is used as both a sender and receiver address. The field can contain up to 255 characters. If you exceed the number of characters in this field, the schedule is not saved. |
On the right-hand side you see the list of jobs that will run when the schedule triggers.
Column |
Description |
Job Name |
Display name of the job. This is selected when the job is created. |
Active |
When Active, the job runs when the schedule is run. You may want to make a single job within a schedule inactive for several reasons, such as:
Remove |
Click to remove the job from this schedule. This will not delete any robots referred to by the jobs. |
Edit |
Click to edit the job. |
To add jobs to the schedule, click
Add Job in the upper right-hand corner. This will open a wizard that will take
you through the steps of creating a job.
The Help button in the upper right-hand corner of the Schedules tab opens the Management Console help in your browser.
Alternative schedule creation
It is also possible to create a schedule from the Robots Tab. This is done by selecting any number of robots, right-clicking and choosing Create Schedule from the context menu. This opens the New Schedule window with the robots already added.